Limetree Garden: Where mysteries unfold.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

How do we love?

You give love,you take it away.
You misuse love!

You say it, do you mean it?

Do you borrow love?
Do you carry backup love?
Do you push away love?
Do you withhold love and
leave people hostage?
Do you really trust love?

When did love become so jaded
so impure!

I thought we were all born to be loved.
To experience an extraordinary love.
To find path to a rare sweet love.

To find love that is true.

Maybe some of us are meant
to learn how to love.
Or to find a freedom to love.
Or find a way to accept love.
Or a path to self love.
Or not to fear love.

All I know for sure, is we all
desire to be loved.
To find someone who sees us,
accepts us,and knows us.
Someone who is brave enough
to love us.

karma sage

Sunday, May 09, 2010

A Mother Gone

It is distance memory when
you held me when I was fagile.
I wonder if you wished you had
made different plans.
I wonder if was too much.
Too complicated, you had no time to
discover you.

I sit here and wonder today, did
I ever have mother because it
has been so long.
I no longer plan mother's day
for you.
You have become a stranger to me,
so the celebrations have become

On Mother's day I still feel
like I should be celebrating
someone or something.
Perhaps I should I celebrate
all the women
who continue to be mothers.

It maybe I should celebrate
all the motherless children's bravery.
It maybe that each one of us who has
lost their mother; had her long enough
to move alone.
Or a group of women who continued
to hold me up when you were gone.
But like you they are gone too.

For a time I felt you around
Perhaps you were
trying to make ammends
for leaving too soon.

So I sit here wondering what
to celebrate, today.
A mother,I miss.
Perhaps a celebration of
letting go.

Karma Sage